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Display trays and cases

All of our display trays can be stacked in order to fit snuggly into one of our jewellery carry cases on wheels. A range of different designs are availabe with fittings for presenting rings, necklaces, watches, earrings... others are left open. 
The man-made outer coverings are easy to clean, the inserts in man-made velveteen, suedette or leatherette stay stylish and elegant.

Jewellery cases adapted to your needs

Some of our cases are fitted out with a specific sort of jewellery in mind.

  • Ring cases
  • Cases for gemstone boxes
  • Watch cases…

Our specialised store in the heart of Paris for exhibiting and displaying jewellery!

Come and view the whole collection of display trays and cases in our store in central Paris.
You will be welcomed by our team of enthousiasts who will be delighted to help you choose the best possible items for your needs.

 See description
FIRSTSELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS _prix.id_article,_articles.uk, IFNULL( _prix.conditionnement_uk , IFNULL( _prix.conditionnement_uk, _prix.conditionnement_fr )) AS 'titre_uk', IF( _prix.conditionnement_uk IS NULL , IF( _prix.conditionnement_uk IS NULL , 'fr' , 'uk'), 'uk' ) AS 'titre_langue', _prix.ref_prix as 'reference', _articles.id_categorieA, _articles.id_categorieB, _articles.id_categorieC, _articles.selection , _prix.id_article, Tri_Caract.Nom_fr FROM _articles INNER JOIN _prix on _articles.id_article = _prix.id_article LEFT OUTER JOIN Tri_Trieur on _prix.id_prix = Tri_Trieur.ID_Prix LEFT OUTER JOIN Tri_Caract on Tri_Caract.ID_Caract = Tri_Trieur.ID_Caract3 WHERE _articles.uk = '1' AND _prix.actif = '1' AND ( (_prix.stock > 0 ) ) AND ( (_prix.indispo = 0 ) OR ( _prix.indispo = 1 AND _prix.indispo_date < ADDDATE(_prix.indispo_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY) ) ) AND _prix.SD = 1 AND _articles.id_categorieA = '16' AND _articles.id_categorieB = '127' ORDER BY _prix.date_miseenligne DESC, _articles.ordre, _articles.id_article DESC LIMIT 9, 12
Display tray in smooth black synthetic suede - 10 ring rollers
53.82€ TTC - Display tray in smooth black synthetic suede - 10 ring rollers
Display tray in smooth black synthetic suede - 12 sections
44.22€ TTC - Display tray in smooth black synthetic suede - 12 sections
Display tray in smooth black synthetic suede - 6 chains/bracelets
35.88€ TTC - Display tray in smooth black synthetic suede - 6 chains/bracelets
Display tray in smooth black synthetic suede - 20 chains/bracelets
44.28€ TTC - Display tray in smooth black synthetic suede - 20 chains/bracelets
Display tray in smooth black synthetic suede - 30 chains/bracelets
49.80€ TTC - Display tray in smooth black synthetic suede - 30 chains/bracelets
Display tray in oak wood with white synthetic cover
45.00€ TTC - Display tray in oak wood with white synthetic cover
Display tray covered in natural linen and cotton mix for 35 pairs of earrings
81.90€ TTC - Display tray covered in natural linen and cotton mix for 35 pairs of earrings
Pendant display tray covered in natural linen and cotton mix, 35 compartments
81.90€ TTC - Pendant display tray covered in natural linen and cotton mix, 35 compartments
Universal display tray covered in natural linen and cotton mix, 12 compartments
43.38€ TTC - Universal display tray covered in natural linen and cotton mix, 12 compartments
Inclined display tray in oak with black linen and cotton insert - 6 rings
27.60€ TTC - Inclined display tray in oak with black linen and cotton insert - 6 rings
Display tray in oak with black linen and cotton insert - 12 rings
45.12€ TTC - Display tray in oak with black linen and cotton insert - 12 rings
Universal display tray in oak with removable black cotton and linen mix insert, 22.5 x 15.5cm
31.98€ TTC - Universal display tray in oak with removable black cotton and linen mix insert, 22.5 x 15.5cm

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Customer Service for online orders:
+33 6 79 61 20 46 - selforparis@selfor.com


SELFOR, 20 rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris
01 42 78 06 66 -  selfor@selfor.com

SELFOR +, 11 rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris
01 42 74 11 76 - selforplus@selfor.com

SELFOR Décor, 19 rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris
01 42 74 48 08 - selfordecor@selfor.com



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France, Luxembourg, Belgium: Delivery in 48/72 hrs - Other countries: 2 to 5 days according to destination.
Some items may take longer to be delivered.