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Batteries supplier

Murata Watch batteries - high quality reliable watch battery

Selfor brings you a wide range of multi-use batteries at competitive rates. Browse our website and order directly on line:

  • hearing aid batteries
  • AA or AAA batteries: for remote controls, games etc...
  • lithium batteries: for photo or video

Do you have a favourite brand? Find them directly in our catalogue:

  • Sony batteries
  • Energizer batteries
  • Renata batteries
  • Panasonic batteries

Our watch batteries can be found in store in the Selfor shop! Are you looking for watch batteries? Drop by the store and choose all the batteries that you need 20, rue Reaumur, Paris 3rd district.
Open from Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 18:00 non-stop.
The Selfor team is at your service, call us for  01 42 78 06 66.

 See description
FIRSTSELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS _prix.id_article,_articles.uk, IFNULL( _articles.titre_uk , IFNULL( _articles.titre_uk, _articles.titre_fr )) AS 'titre_uk', IF( _articles.titre_uk IS NULL , IF( _articles.titre_uk IS NULL , 'fr' , 'uk'), 'uk' ) AS 'titre_langue', _prix.ref_prix as 'reference', _articles.id_categorieA, _articles.id_categorieB, _articles.id_categorieC, _articles.selection , _prix.id_article, Tri_Caract.Nom_fr FROM _articles INNER JOIN _prix on _articles.id_article = _prix.id_article LEFT OUTER JOIN Tri_Trieur on _prix.id_prix = Tri_Trieur.ID_Prix LEFT OUTER JOIN Tri_Caract on Tri_Caract.ID_Caract = Tri_Trieur.ID_Caract3 WHERE _articles.uk = '1' AND _prix.actif = '1' AND ( (_prix.stock > 0 ) ) AND ( (_prix.indispo = 0 ) OR ( _prix.indispo = 1 AND _prix.indispo_date < ADDDATE(_prix.indispo_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY) ) ) AND _prix.SE = 1 AND _articles.id_categorieA = '15' GROUP BY _articles.id_article, Tri_Trieur.ID_Caract3 ORDER BY _prix.date_miseenligne DESC, _articles.ordre, _articles.id_article DESC LIMIT 0, 12
Panasonic CR3032 lithium battery
4.68€ TTC - Panasonic CR3032 lithium battery
Murata 395/399 button cell battery (x10)
8.04€ TTC - Murata 395/399 button cell battery (x10)
Murata 394 mercury free button cell battery (x10)
11.52€ TTC - Murata 394 mercury free button cell battery (x10)
Murata 386/301 mercury free button cell battery (x10)
21.00€ TTC - Murata 386/301 mercury free button cell battery (x10)
Murata 379 button cell battery (x10)
7.20€ TTC - Murata 379 button cell battery (x10)
Murata 377 button cell battery (x10)
3.84€ TTC - Murata 377 button cell battery (x10)
Murata 373 button cell battery (x10)
8.88€ TTC - Murata 373 button cell battery (x10)
Murata 371 button cell battery (x10)
6.72€ TTC - Murata 371 button cell battery (x10)
Murata 364 coin cell battery (x10)
3.84€ TTC - Murata 364 coin cell battery (x10)
Murata 362 button cell battery (x10)
6.24€ TTC - Murata 362 button cell battery (x10)
Murata 357/303 button cell battery (x10)
19.20€ TTC - Murata 357/303 button cell battery (x10)
Murata 341 coin cell battery (x10)
9.48€ TTC - Murata 341 coin cell battery (x10)
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Customer Service for online orders:
+33 6 79 61 20 46 - selforparis@selfor.com


SELFOR, 20 rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris
01 42 78 06 66 -  selfor@selfor.com

SELFOR +, 11 rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris
01 42 74 11 76 - selforplus@selfor.com

SELFOR Décor, 19 rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris
01 42 74 48 08 - selfordecor@selfor.com



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