IFNULL( _articles.titre_uk , IFNULL( _articles.titre_uk, _articles.titre_fr )) AS 'titre_uk', IF( _articles.titre_uk IS NULL , IF( _articles.titre_uk IS NULL , 'fr' , 'uk'), 'uk' ) AS 'titre_langue', _prix.ref_prix as 'reference', _articles.id_categorieA, _articles.id_categorieB, _articles.id_categorieC, _articles.selection , _prix.id_article, Tri_Caract.Nom_fr
FROM _articles
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LEFT OUTER JOIN Tri_Trieur on _prix.id_prix = Tri_Trieur.ID_Prix
LEFT OUTER JOIN Tri_Caract on Tri_Caract.ID_Caract = Tri_Trieur.ID_Caract3
WHERE = '1'
AND _prix.actif = '1'
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AND ( (_prix.indispo = 0 ) OR ( _prix.indispo = 1 AND _prix.indispo_date < ADDDATE(_prix.indispo_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY) ) )
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AND _articles.id_categorieA = '14' AND _articles.id_categorieB = '45' GROUP BY _articles.id_article, Tri_Trieur.ID_Caract3 ORDER BY _prix.date_miseenligne DESC, _articles.ordre, _articles.id_article DESC LIMIT 0, 12
0.00€ TTC -
Chevalet service-perçage Caflon maman & enfant "Le perçage d'oreilles en toute sécurité"
0.00€ TTC -
Chevalet service-perçage Caflon "Le perçage d'oreilles en toute sécurité"
0.00€ TTC -
Chevalet service-perçage Caflon femme "Le perçage d'oreilles en toute sécurité"
2.28€ TTC -
Caflon Blu gold coloured steel ear piercing studs with bezel set birthstone crystal
2.64€ TTC -
Caflon Blu flower shaped piercing studs in steel gilded in fine gold with bezel set crystal
3.00€ TTC -
Perçage d'oreilles Caflon Blu acier inoxydable et cristal serti clos 5mm
6.48€ TTC -
Perçage d'oreilles acier doré à l'or fin Safetec® Gold Cristal serti clos 4mm
6.48€ TTC -
Perçage d'oreilles Safetec® Gold acier doré à l'or fin perle synthétique serti clos 4mm
2.28€ TTC 1.20€ TTC -
Caflon Blu gold coloured steel ear piercing studs with bezel set birthstone crystal
(2 models to choose from)
2.28€ TTC 1.20€ TTC -
Caflon Blu gold coloured steel ear piercing studs with bezel set birthstone crystal
(2 models to choose from)
2.46€ TTC -
Caflon Blu stainless steel ear piercing studs with bezel-set birthstone crystals
(16 models to choose from)
2.46€ TTC -
Caflon Blu stainless steel ear piercing studs with bezel-set birthstone crystals
(16 models to choose from)
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