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Gift packaging

Selfor Decor brings you a fantastic choice of original gift packaging.
Our selection will allow you to define your identity, work with coordinates and adapt your wares to seasonal events such as Christmas, St Valentine's Day or the different seasons.

Gift wrapping, a very personal decision

Amongst our wide range of products, you can find:

Your 'made-to-measure' gift packaging

Your very own bags, wrapping paper, curling gift ribbon, tissue paper... in YOUR colours and design to differenciate your store and increase customer loyalty. 
Tell us about your project and we will help you make it reality!

Gift packaging supplier is our activity

As a retail distributor, we have studied packaging quantities in order to offer you bulk rate discounts for attractive quantities.

At Selfor Decor, we do our best to help you manage your advertising communication. Our in-house custom branding team allow you to customise your gift packaging!

Our gift packaging store in Paris!
Where can I buy gift packaging? Come and visit our store in central Paris in the Marais district and meet our team of experts who can help you elaborate a quote for customised gift packaging.

 See description
FIRSTSELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS _prix.id_article,_articles.uk, IFNULL( _prix.conditionnement_uk , IFNULL( _prix.conditionnement_uk, _prix.conditionnement_fr )) AS 'titre_uk', IF( _prix.conditionnement_uk IS NULL , IF( _prix.conditionnement_uk IS NULL , 'fr' , 'uk'), 'uk' ) AS 'titre_langue', _prix.ref_prix as 'reference', _articles.id_categorieA, _articles.id_categorieB, _articles.id_categorieC, _articles.selection , _prix.id_article, Tri_Caract.Nom_fr FROM _articles INNER JOIN _prix on _articles.id_article = _prix.id_article LEFT OUTER JOIN Tri_Trieur on _prix.id_prix = Tri_Trieur.ID_Prix LEFT OUTER JOIN Tri_Caract on Tri_Caract.ID_Caract = Tri_Trieur.ID_Caract3 WHERE _articles.uk = '1' AND _prix.actif = '1' AND ( (_prix.stock > 0 ) ) AND ( (_prix.indispo = 0 ) OR ( _prix.indispo = 1 AND _prix.indispo_date < ADDDATE(_prix.indispo_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY) ) ) AND _prix.SD = 1 AND _articles.id_categorieA = '7' ORDER BY _prix.date_miseenligne DESC, _articles.ordre, _articles.id_article DESC LIMIT 60, 12
Black gift wrapping paper with geometrical matt gold motifs 0.70 x 25 m
41.76€ TTC - Black gift wrapping paper with geometrical matt gold motifs 0.70 x 25 m
Turquoise gift wrapping paper with gold fan shape motifs
41.76€ TTC - Turquoise gift wrapping paper with gold fan shape motifs
Gold and white triangle design wrapping paper
41.76€ TTC - Gold and white triangle design wrapping paper
Seasonal wrapping paper, sea green background with red and white flowers
29.88€ TTC - Seasonal wrapping paper, sea green background with red and white flowers
Seasonal red wrapping paper with gold mistletoe motifs
29.88€ TTC - Seasonal red wrapping paper with gold mistletoe motifs
Red wrapping paper with shiny gold and purple fan motifs 0.70 x 25m
41.76€ TTC - Red wrapping paper with shiny gold and purple fan motifs 0.70 x 25m
Red wrapping paper with black and white impressionist motifs, 0.70 x 25m
30.00€ TTC - Red wrapping paper with black and white impressionist motifs, 0.70 x 25m
Teal gift wrapping paper with marble finish and gold stars, 0.70 x 25m
29.88€ TTC - Teal gift wrapping paper with marble finish and gold stars, 0.70 x 25m
Recycled paper gift wrap with gold-coloured foliage motif, water repellent 0.70 x 25m
23.88€ TTC - Recycled paper gift wrap with gold-coloured foliage motif, water repellent 0.70 x 25m
Seasonal gift wrapping paper featuring Christmas baubles on a cream-coloured background
29.88€ TTC - Seasonal gift wrapping paper featuring Christmas baubles on a cream-coloured background
Powder pink gift wrapping paper featuring silver and gold star motifs
41.76€ TTC - Powder pink gift wrapping paper featuring silver and gold star motifs
Green wrapping paper with impressionist design, 0.70 x 25m
30.00€ TTC - Green wrapping paper with impressionist design, 0.70 x 25m

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Customer Service for online orders:
+33 6 79 61 20 46 - selforparis@selfor.com


SELFOR, 20 rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris
01 42 78 06 66 -  selfor@selfor.com

SELFOR +, 11 rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris
01 42 74 11 76 - selforplus@selfor.com

SELFOR Décor, 19 rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris
01 42 74 48 08 - selfordecor@selfor.com



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France, Luxembourg, Belgium: Delivery in 48/72 hrs - Other countries: 2 to 5 days according to destination.
Some items may take longer to be delivered.